4 Stars Review – Silver Wolf Clan (Silver Wolf Clan #1) by Tera Shanley

21963509So, I am a sucker for romance and an even bigger sucker for supernatural romance. There is just something about a book that can transport you to another plane of existence that appeals to me. This book did deliver on my expectations and I have to say that I was pretty much hooked from page one. The synopsis is pretty telling of what this short book is about, so I don’t think I really have to get into that.

I enjoy the way that Tera writes, and although I did find a few typos, it didn’t really take away from the story as much as it usually does. I have read a few different werewolf stories – most memorably the series by Quinn Loftis, and I can’t help but prefer Tera’s take on this topic of story. Her writing is less juvenile, which is refreshing.

I suggest keeping an open mind when reading, as it does seem rushed at times. Since this is such a short book (about half the amount of pages of a full-length book) the character development and overall story is lacking in some depth. Completely understandable, considering its length.

If you are not happy with this book, I do suggest trying Tera’s other books, Love in the Time of the Dead (Zombies) and An Unwilling Husband (Wild West). Both quite different from each other, which is refreshing because it shows the depth of writing that she is capable of.

Happy reading.

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